Author Guidelines
Authors are asked to submit the manuscript according to the following instructions
Submission Guidelines
- Manuscripts should be prepared as per APA (American Psychological Association)
- We accept files in .docx/.doc/.pdf only
- Articles should be typed with no grammatical and typographical error.
- Manuscripts must be submitted through SUBMISION section in the web page
Formatting Guidelines
- Authors should prepared their article in English up to 10 single column pages and article must focus original or innovative research idea related practical applications relevant to the scope of the journal.
- Authors must follow Title, Abstract, Keyword, Introduction, Core of Research Innovation, Results & Discussion, Conclusion and finally Reference further that the author must ensure the accuracy of figures, tables, citations and Chart.
Title: Title should be short and explanatory enough.
Abstract: Abstract must be prepared in double space and not exceeding 150 words in length and also there must three to four keywords are focus and related to theme of the article.
Core of Manuscript: Core of Manuscript must be double space and total length of pages minimum from six to ten pages.
Tables, Figures and Graph: Tables, Figures and Graph are numbered with appropriate order and titled. Tables, Figures and Graph are placed in appropriate location in Manuscript itself only.
References: References should be cited in the style specified as per mention in APA manual. Figures and tables are placed appropriate location in the article.
Publication Processing Charges
The Journal charges for publication of Manuscript with length of 10 pages are:
- Rs. 1500/- per Article for Indian Authors
- $20 per Article for Foreign Authors
Articles are evaluates under blind review process so that Reviewers write their comments and suggestions and same will notify to the author to improve the article quality.
Blind Review Process include,
- To verify manuscript quality, recent Research Problem
- To verify manuscript related to Scope of the Journal
- To check the topic to relevant to Research Contribution
- Core of Manuscript and coverage of the topic
- Strong and Weakness of the Manuscript