Information to Editors

Information to Editors

Articles submitted to Scientific Explore Publication’s journals are subject to peer-reviewing. In our journals, the process is single blind peer-review (the reviewers know the authors’ identities, but the authors do not know the reviewers’ identities). The Scientific Explore Publication’s Journals are used online submission system, incorporates online tools for manuscript submission, peer-reviewing and editorial decision making. The Editors and Reviewers to have an account with the Publication’s Journal submission system in order to finish the tasks assigned to them. Editors-in-Chief, Editors and Reviewers can view articles submitted to their journal system at any time.

The Editor-in-Chief is a champion of the selected journal and their discipline. They supervise journal activities, with the aim to ensure success of the journal within the scientific community. The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the scientific quality and development of the journal. The Editor-in-Chief is expected to maintain connection to the Editorial Board and assist the Editorial Office in the management of the journal.

The Editorial Board Members will be responsible for final decisions on manuscripts in their field of expertise and they may be invited to review manuscripts. The initial term is for 2 years, which entails:

  • Pre-screen and take decisions on new submissions related to their research interests
  • Provide input or feedback regarding journal policies;
  • Help to promote the journal among their peers or at conferences;
  • Attend Board Meetings to suggest journal development strategies;
  • Review manuscripts.